Seasonal Guides
Not all fruits & vegetables are created equal. When fruit is harvested at its peak ripeness, they taste incredible. Good vegetables will have a better flavor and in some cases, less bitterness. Some produce is worth seeking out at a farmers market or a U-pick, while others are nearly indistinguishable from the supermarket.
Once you buy your produce, storage can be just as important. Proper storage is not only important to keep it from spoiling, but to also preserve the flavor and texture. These produce guides go over ways to spot the best produce and how to properly store them.
Even with the best intentions, sometimes the fruit you buy barely has flavor or vegetables are about to go bad. Or perhaps something else is wrong, like blackberries or cucumbers being too bitter.
But don't worry - these produce guides also tell you how to solve all sorts of problems. For example, improve flavorless strawberries by cooking them into a jam or use limp carrots in a soup.